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Use Case: Ticketing system, MOL Arena Stadium

Arena DSC1474 smallest
MOL Arena

Dunajská Streda, Slovakia

June 2016 marked the beginning of the construction of a new, modern MOL Arena stadium which replaced the old one.
The arena was completed in 2019 and was certified with a 4-star FIFA and UEFA standard.

Arena DSC1433 smallest


The new stadium needed a comprehensive ticketing system with a comfortable cashless buffet payment system.


An all-encompassing and configurable ticketing system that enables easy entry control, hassle-free cashless buffet payments, and reliable online ticket sales.

Arena tritonsystems arenasw promo layers 1100x989

Arena Ticket Sale Software

MOL Arena operators can open up their Admin Ticketing and Sale software to create events, choose pricing, sell various ticket types (flexible tickets, seasonal cards, club cards) using various sales channels (online, on-site…), and get a clear-cut view of every financial metric and statistic of all the above.

Arena DSC1461 Pano smallest

Stadium entrance

Main zone

Either through waist-height or full-height turnstile terminals, attendees can comfortably check in with their RFID chip card, QR code on their smartphones, a regular paper ticket or their own printed ticket.

Dacvip 2

VIP zone

The higher-end of the attendees can enter the VIP zone by checking into a terminal and walking through waist-height turnstiles with glass speed gates.

Triton arena bufet cashless

Cashless buffet sales

Using their ticket, attendees can buy a cashless credit card and easily recharge it themselves with cash at a nearby recharge machine.

Once halftime comes around, they can use this card to buy snacks at the buffet (cashlessly). And if necessary, they can re-fund the card again at the recharge machine.

In case they forget their card balance, our infoterminal is there to ensure they can check it.


If an attendee didn’t spend the entire balance on their credit card, they can withdraw it on the spot or decide to keep the card and spend it during a future event at the MOL Arena.

Arena DSC1482 smallest


Convenient for the stadium operator - Effortless entry control, and smooth cashless payments at the buffet. Minimum intervention and maximum comfort for the stadium staff.

Convenient for the attendees - A MOL Arena visitor can go everywhere with one handy card and easily pay at the buffet without groping around for cash or waiting in endless lines.

No more revenue leakage - Our turnkey ticket sales system traces every transaction and provides crystal-clear reporting, eliminating the chances of any unnoticed cash leaks.

Watch it in action

Technical components

Arena DSC1433 smallest

1st stage - 2016

  • ticket control system in the assembly:
  • 8 pcs turnstiles 700E
  • 8 pcs two-way ARENA terminals, each with a color monitor for displaying the logo and graphic pictograms, chip card reader, 1D and 2D code scanner, (common slot for all types of tickets), indication of discounted tickets and a camera of the CCTV system according to MVSR Decree No. 274/2014 and Act No. 1/2014
  • 6 pcs mobile control terminals for all types of tickets
  • 9 pcs cash registers operated selling tickets and season tickets at the stadium using Triton's cash register software
  • internet seller Predpredaj
  • credit system for cashless sales in buffets
  • credit top-up machines
Arena vip above

2nd stage - 2017

  • ticket control system in the assembly:
  • 8 pcs turnstiles 700E in the corner of the A-B stands
  • 8 pcs two-way ARENA terminals, 1x 700E turnstile in VIP bronze entrance
  • 8 pcs AXIOMA gate passes with ARENA-M terminals, each terminal with a color monitor for displaying the logo and graphic pictograms, chip card reader, 1D and 2D code scanner, (common slot for all types of tickets), indication of discounted tickets and a camera of the CCTV system according to the decree MVSR No. 274/2014 and Act No. 1/2014
  • selling tickets and season tickets at the stadium using Triton's cash register software
  • internet seller Predpredaj
  • credit system for cashless sales in buffets
  • 2 pcs credit top-up machines
  • 1 pcs information terminal

Stadium certified for the 4th category of FIFA, UEFA

Arena DSC1479 smallest

Ticket control system in the assembly:

  • 2 pcs turnstiles ECCO Arena in the corner of the C-D stands (guests)
  • 4 pcs ARENA-L input terminals with a color monitor for displaying the logo and graphic pictograms, chip card reader, 1D and 2D code scanner, (common slot)
  • 1 pcs ARENA-Lsbs output terminal with color monitor, chip card reader, 1D and 2D code scanner
  • 3 pcs ARENA-Lsbs information terminals

Summary of components

Access Control
Waist-height and full-height turnstiles equipped with access terminals


Owners of cashless buffet cards can check the remaining credit

Mobile Terminal

Mobile ticket check for security staff

Ticket Sale

Paper Ticket, seasonal ticket and cashless cards sale with printers

Online Web Sale

Event tickets can be sold comfortably from anywhere

Club Card offering many benefits for fans

- Discounts
- Pre-sale preference
- Replaces one-time event ticket
- Store discounts
- Cashless

CRM Integration
Custom data flow integration with operator's internal system

Buffet cashless payments

For cashless payments in stadium’s buffets.

Recharge machine with POS

Cashless card credit recharger.
Accepts banknotes, equipped with POS terminal.

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