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en sk

Advanced level
of our ParkIS parking system

is based on our long-term experience, constant development as well as
good knowledge of parking lot operation issues. Therefore ParkIS is:

  • Covers even the most demanding needs of parking lot operation
  • System from one vendor
  • Customer-oriented approach bringing complex solutions
  • Rich functionality and flexibility 
  • Selectable components according to the customer's requirements and parking policy
  • More than 20 years of experience
  • From simple parking system to an integrated solution
  • Application extensions for extra user functionality
  • Integrations with third party systems extending capabilities
Parking with ease

Smooth, comfortable and low-cost operation

Garage Parking in action

Covering any type of parking assets

Car Parks

From small to almost any parking facility

Parking Garages

Any size of a parking garage with multiple entries and exits, zones with flexible tariffs.

Street Parking

License plate-based on-street parking providing payments and police system integration.

Shopping Malls

Ticketless efficient parking solution with extensive public visitors flow.

Bussiness Centres

Complex solution for multiple parking policy and with user management delegated to tenant companies.


Flexible parking management and control for hotels with reservations.


Solution for hospitals includes patients validations in multiple medical offices.

Truck Parking

Reservations, payments and validations with optional rollcall and dock navigation from car park for trucks.

Museums and City parking

Standard parking with optional external system integrations for batch user import.


Special mode for stadium events optionally integrated with our Arena ticketing System.

Triton parking roger barrier 001
Main features
  • Multiple types of users: public visitors, flat users, residents, VIP users, booked visits
  • Multiple payment options: cash, payment cards, payments at vending machines and at exit stands via POS terminals, bonuses
  • Identification: registration number recognition (LPR), ticket and leafless mode, RFID cards
  • Variable tariffs: various price lists according to days, time, zone, customer type
  • Reports: Monitoring, history, transactions, statistics
  • Control: online control, mode changes, remote administration and configuration
  • Notifications: regular reports by email, alerts by email or SMS
  • Supervision center: support of communication with customers, interventions, service, maintenance

... and much more

Learn more

Complete solution

We offer turnkey solutions including surveillance, support and service.


ParkIS has a rich functionality thanks to the fact that every new requirement is a challenge for us.

Operator comfort

The chosen concept is based on the main goal: to make life easier for the operator.

Visitor comfort

Licence plate identification, cash payment, bonus system, reserved zones, reservations etc.


Surveillance, maintenance, advice, service, remote administration are included.

Learn more