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Use Case: Ticketing system for HolidayPark Kováčová

4 vonkajsi bazen
HolidayPark Kováčová

Kováčová, Slovakia

In 2013, work began on the project of installing an entrance and ticketing system for the thermal swimming pool HolidayPark in Kováčová, Slovakia.



Implement a complete ticketing system with access control to the thermal swimming pool area, ticket sales enabling entry to the premises, and allowing customers to purchase additional services cashlessly.


Installation of a ticketing system which ensures a convenient sales process with contactless entry to the premises for customers.


Procedure from the customer’s point of view

  1. The customer enters and purchases their desired type of ticket (multi-entry, multi-zone, season pass, etc.)
  2. The customer receives a chip bracelet that enables entry to the relevant part of the swimming pool through one of the installed turnstiles. Customers with strollers or wheelchairs can enter through an accessible motorized gate.
  3. The customer uses the services of the thermal swimming pool, using the chip bracelet he can pay cashlessly for orders in the restaurant, bar and buffet.
  4. When leaving, the customer hands back the bracelet and pays. If the customer has outstanding service items, the turnstile will not allow departure.


  • Comfortable process for customers - Convenient purchase of optional types of entry using chip bracelets that allow free movement around the thermal swimming pool area.
  • One medium - A single waterproof chip bracelet usable for entrances, opening the lockers, and paying for services.
  • Security - Only paying customers can enter the premises.
  • Overviews and statistics - Clear statistics of all the passages, transactions, sales, device monitoring, ticket configuration and administration and any additional sales.

Equipment breakdown - ticketing control system in the assembly:

  • 3x 700E
  • 2x motorized gate for visitors with strollers and wheelchairs
  • 3x recessed two-way ARENA M terminals with chip wristband readers and 1D and 2D barcode scanners on the departure ticket
  • 1x info terminal
  • 3x operated cash register with PC
  • ticket sales using Triton's cash register software
  • non-cash payments in wet foot (restaurant, bar, buffet)
  • payment upon departure after handing over the bracelet
  • departure on departure ticket
Wellness Ticketing System Contact us