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Use Case: Parking for Agora Business Center

Agora night 1 min
Agora - Business Center

Budapest, Hungary


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  • Implement a smart parking system which solves dynamic parking for multiple tenant companies, public visitors, and company visits.
  • Implement a parking guidance system with 13 parking posts and barriers.
  • Integrate the functionalities of the parking lot with a mobile app for the building operator.
  • Integrate the access system of the building with the parking lot.


A complete parking system (with 1,444 spots in total) with a customised web app for parking management users, a seamless guidance system implemented in the public zone, and a guidance system with 279 parking spots.

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How does the shared parking work?

Let's say you have 500 parking spots. There are 10 rental companies in your building, with about 200 employees each.

The most common system for handling this (since not everybody can park at the same time) is to use "group parking," where users are allowed to park in designated areas on a “first come, first served” basis. However, this isn't always fair as it only benefits the fastest parkers.

The solution is our Smart Parking system:

First, users make requests for parking spots in advance for a specific day.

Then the system runs a draw the day before to choose who gets parking spots the next day, filling all available spaces.

When their reservation is active, users get an email notification, and they can park without further interaction. They can also see their reservation status.

Certain users can have permanent access to a parking spot defined in the system. They should still mark themselves as absent if they won't use their spot for a specific period, like vacation. The system uses their spot in the draw while they're away.

The Smart Parking system offers various configuration options that can be tailored to suit the needs of the car park operator.

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Parking Users

There are several parking user types handled differently.

Company user (tenant) - Tenants can park by using their:

1) Permanent parking access

2) Group access

3) Draw access

4) via their license plate + an RFD card

Company visitor - A company visitor can book a one-time reservation for 1 slot from one of the tenant companies with the possibility of entering their license plate later. After booking, they’ll receive a confirmation email with a QR code.

Public visitor - Public visitors pay for parking based on the current tariff and can use a license plate identifier or a QR code ticket. Their payment can potentially be reimbursed by the company if the visitor visits without reservation.

Residents - Residents can pre-pay permanent parking access for a specified time period with restricted parking access. They can use their license plate + QR code and buy resident parking subscription through a mobile app.

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Parking Management Users

Users of parking management system may administrate different parts of the systems and/or their own parking.

The system supports multiple tenant companies which manage their own data, parking policy and company users.

Facility admins can:

  • Create and manage other users and assign roles to them
  • Manage tenant companies and view all their data
  • Manage parking spots and zones
  • Have visual maps of the parking floors with parking places
  • Set parking settings rules
  • Create and modify email templates
  • Keep logs
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Tenant admin can:

  • Create and manage users
  • Manage parking for users - TA can customize access to the parking lot for each user. They can set:
    • No access - User relies on the lottery system to secure a parking spot
    • Group access - “First come, first served”
    • Dedicated space - Permanent, guaranteed space assigned to a user
  • Create and manage Draws and Instant reservations at a time most convenient to the users
  • Manage the visitor system - TA has an overview of all daily visitor reservations made by all users of the tenant company
  • Have a clear overview of the passages - A table shows all the transactions for any selected timeframe via parking terminals of the users. This data can also be exported to various formats.
  • Manage user parking behavior - The Parking Behavior section gives TAs an overview of all users who failed to adhere to the parking rules (e.g. not canceling their reservation when they don’t use it while having active access). TA also has an option to “forgive” or approve absence for a user.
  • Have a clear overview of the bonuses
  • Create and modify email templates - These emails can create or revoke Portal Accesses and Parking Reservations with the support of multiple languages
  • Set parameters
  • Grant bonuses

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  • Company users can:
    • Manage their absence from parking in their calendar
    • Edit their license plate(s), email address, and password
    • Set an absence for off days so their parking spot can be used for draws or visitors
    • Get assigned bonus permissions from the Tenant Admin and grant a bonus to visitors
    • Get notified via email when they receive a place or when they cancel a granted reservation
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ParkIS - Management software for the Facility Admin

Desktop application for basic system configuration and management. Used only by Facility Admin.


  • Configuration
  • Administration
  • Monitoring
  • Reporting
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Web portal - Parking System Portal (PSP)

Web application used by Facility Admin, Tenant companies and users.


  • Shared parking management
  • Tenant admin & user management
  • Facility admin management of parking spots and visuals
  • Email notification templates
  • Bonus and visitor system
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Guidance system

The guidance system consists of cameras detecting parking spots with the capability to read license plates of vehicles and visually mark free and occupied parking spots. This makes it easier to find free parking spots.

At the same time, the detected license plates are auto-registered in the portal and the vehicle info is displayed at the cash register where the visitor can find their vehicle. Mobile app users can also use the “Find My Car” feature.

Technical components:


Posts, barriers, cash registers, parking space cameras, signage, server & other network devices


Server applications, databases, services, parking management software (ParkIS), web portal, LPR software, API for 3rd parties, access control integration

Parking System Contact us